Bizzy Beez Academy Parent Handbook

Welcome Bizzy Familiez:

Bizzy-Beez Academy is open Monday through Friday from 6:30am to 6:30 pm to provide Child Care service for families. We provide full-time service to children between the ages of 6 weeks to 12 years of age. Families interested in the center must call to arrange a tour with the Director. This tour will consist of meeting the Director and Teachers, learning the curriculum and goals of the center and viewing the space used for caring for children. Enrollment will begin when all licensing forms are complete.

We understand that you are the most important provider and teacher in your child’s life. We’d like to think of ourselves as second-best; or rather, a Mother’s first choice. That is why we provide a clean environment for our children and employ only caring nurturing Teachers. We want our little Beez to think of this Academy as a place that they can call home; seeing as though majority of their precious waking hours are most likely spent with us. We accomplish this by only employing teachers who fulfill the requirements set forth by the Child Care Licensing Department. 

For your child’s safety and the safety of others, our Academy will be require you to sign in and out your full legal name using our roster. At the end of the day your child will only be released to those designated on the Enrollment Agreement and/or Identification Emergency Form. For your child’s safety, we require that anyone authorized to pick up your child, with whom our staff is not family with, provide government issued photo ID, if they don’t have ID, your child will not be released until we get in contact with you and complete a Security clearance.

Admissions Policy:

Immunization Requirements:

Medical and Immunization records are required for admissions into the Academy. Prior to enrollment, you must provide the center with updated medical and immunization information for your child. This information must be updated in accordance with state child care licensing regulations and kept current. Children without appropriate current medical records may not attend Bizzy-Beez Academy. Please refer to your physician form included with your Enrollment Agreement for more information. Please contact the Director if you have any questions.

We understand that you are the most important provider and teacher in your child’s life. We’d like to think of ourselves as second-best; or rather, a Mother’s first choice. That is why we provide a clean environment for our children and employ only caring nurturing teachers. We want our little Beez to think of this Academy as a place that they can call home; seeing as though majority of their precious waking hours are most likely spent with us. We accomplish this by only employing teachers who fulfill the requirements set forth by the Child Care Licensing Department.

We are doing our part:

By…providing a safety first environment. We will accomplish this by requiring all parents to enter the assigned pin code  in order to gain entrance into the Academy. All children must be signed in and out on our daily roster. If an authorized emergency contact is called to pick up a child, we will require that individual to show Government issued ID that will be cross-referenced with the child’s file before we release the child.

By…teaching the importance of hand washing at an early age to maintain the health of your child and others. Your child will be required to wash his or her hands before eating, after bathroom visits, returning from outside and at any other appropriate time. Again reducing the amount of contamination.

By…ensuring that children in our care are given equal opportunities to explore their environments in a place that is not discriminatory to race, religion, gender or development. We take pride in providing care for children and families with various backgrounds and beliefs. It is important for all children to know how wonderful it is to have so many variations throughout the human race.

By…providing an enrichment environment full of various ways of learning through playing for children ages 6 weeks and older. We have comprised a curriculum that will enhance children’s ability to learn through play and practicing developmental skills that will give them the jump start they need to enter school.

Although our staff is Bizzy tending to your child’s needs, we promise to keep you informed on your child’s progress. This includes informing you of your child’s activities, developmental changes and milestones.

Director of Operations:

Is responsible for all operations of  Bizzy-Beez Academy. If for any reason your questions or concerns are not addressed on-site by your Teacher and/or the Center Director. Please inform the Center Director that you would like to leave your name and number for the Director of Operations to contact you immediately.

The Director of Operations is responsible for the following:

Director: On-site management.

Supervision of day to - day operations of the school

Maintain all licensing standards

Handles all communication with Child Care licensing

Maintain employee and child files

Enroll new families

Uphold communication with enrolled families

Assist teaching staff when necessary in the daily activities of the classrooms

Report to Operations Manager


Supervise aides

Supervise children’s play during all activities of the day

Assist in planning and implementing curriculum with teaching staff

Enforce safety and licensing regulations

Support daily schedule and routines designed to support the operation of the center as a whole.

Conduct Parent/Teacher conferences

Report to Director and/or Operations Manager


Supervise children’s play during all activities of the day

Assist in planning and implementing curriculum with teaching staff

Enforce safety and licensing regulations

Support daily schedule and routines designed to support the operation of the center as a whole.

Reports to Director and/or Operations Manager


Bizzy Beez Academy will provide nutritious snacks in the morning and afternoons on a daily basis. Snack schedules will be posted with the lunch menu near the sign in/out sheet for families to view each month. Lunch will be provided by the parent on a daily basis. 

Special Diets / Allergies:

If a child requires a special diet or has an allergy to a menu item then parents and staff will review the menu and necessary changes will be made by supplementing the child’s diet with an appropriate substitute determined by staff’s communication with parent.

Birthday Celebrations:

Prior to your child’s birthday please make arrangements with the Director for that special day. You may provide food for the celebration as long as all food items are commercially packaged with ingredients statements in order to properly account for child food allergies. Healthy snacks are highly preferred. Remember, there must be enough for all children in your child’s class. Please ask Teacher or Director for classroom head count.

Medication and Illness Policies:

Medication Policy:

Staff will only administer prescribed medication to children whose parents sign a release form. Medication will be administered as indicated on the bottle by the physician. If a child needs prescribed medication during school hours staff will have parents fill out a “medication Form” that describes procedures for administering medications. All medications will be stored in a locked container that will only be opened by staff. Refrigerated medication must be stored in lock box in fridge as well.

Illness Policy:

If a child shows signs of any of the following symptoms (but not limited to) upon arrival or during the day they will be considered ill and must be picked-up within one hour of parent notification:

A fever of 100 degrees or more (must remain out of center until fever free for 24 hours).

Green discharge from nose or eyes.

Difficulty breathing.

Unidentified rash.

Diarrhea (if occurs two times or more the child must remain out until it has cleared for 24 hours).

Vomiting (must remain out for 24 hours after vomiting has ceased).



Staff has the right to call you due to these above symptoms and/or any other concerns to ensure health of other children. The ill child will be isolated from other children until picked up. If we are unable to reach immediate parents/ guardians or other people listed on emergency contact list than staff will exercise the consent for medical treatment signed at time of enrollment and call 911. All financial obligations owed due to medical agency will be the responsibility of the parent.

In case any severe medical or dental emergency 911 will be called immediately.


If your child has a life threatening allergy than it should be told to the Director upon enrollment. All allergies will be posted in child’s class as well as in the kitchen.

General Policies:

Absence Policy:

If your child is absent for any reason including sickness and vacation, you will still be required to pay your child’s tuition for a full-week, if your child attends any portion of that week. You are allowed two reservation weeks each calendar year. When you request a reservation week, you will be required to pay half of your tuition rate in order to save your child's spot. Please see the Center Director or refer to your enrollment agreement for more information.

Withdrawing your Child:

You must submit in writing a two week notice prior to you withdrawing your child from his/her program. If proper notice is not given, the parent agrees to pay any fees or full tuition that may be due for the final two weeks regardless of child’s attendance.

Termination through dis-enrollment:

If your child’s or another child’s behavior is negatively affecting the welfare and safety of all other children and staff, we reserve the right to dis-enroll the child and terminate services immediately at our discretion.

Discipline Policy:

Bizzy-Beez’s Academy’s staff does it's best to assists children with challenging behaviors to become self-controlled and responsible for their actions by modeling appropriate behaviors. Staff uses positive encouragement and redirection. Staff will intervene when self-expression becomes threatening to other children or the child themselves. At no time will staff use physical punishment on children. Staff will never intentionally embarrass a child or violate the child’s personal rights. If a child needs to be removed from the group because of endangering behavior they will be supervised individually until able to return to the group and engage in appropriate behavior. The child’s parent will be notified for each incident. However, if a child continues to be threatening towards other we will, together with the parent, devise a behavioral plan for that child. If the behavioral plan doesn’t work, then we will discuss with the parent termination of services.

Emergency Evacuation Plan/Child Accident’s:

Emergency: An emergency plan and a list of procedures will be posted in each classroom. If an actual emergency requires evacuation of our center, we will notify you as soon as the children have been relocated to a safe area.

Accidents or Injuries:

If a child is injured at the center and needs treatment by a health care professional, we will make every effort to contact you and the health care professional you have listed on your Enrollment Application. If you are not available, we will call those you have listed in cases of Emergency. We will make sure your child receives the care that he or she needs.

Licensing Requirements:

Bizzy-Beez Academy is licensed by the state of California’s Community Care Licensing Division through the Department of Social Services. Our centers are subject to inspection by state and local health, fire, licensing and the building department. Registrations and inspections pertain to staff qualifications, the facility and playground, nutrition, health and safety matters, record keeping and child-to-staff ratios. Licensing Department has the right to enter and inspect the child care center without advance notice whenever children are in care. Furthermore, the Department of Social Services shall have the authority to interview children or staff, and to inspect and audit school records without prior consent. The Department shall also have the authority to observe the physical conditions of the children, including conditions which should indicate abuse, professional physical examination of a child enrolled in our Academy. Please note that all staffed personnel is required by law to report evidence of child neglect or abuse to individual state child care licensing agencies or law enforcement agencies. Those who fail to report according to individual state child care licensing regulations can be held accountable.

Children and Parent’s Personal Rights:

The Academy shall ensure that each child is accorded the following personal rights:

To be accorded dignity in his/her personal relationships with staff and other persons.

To be accorded safe, healthy and comfortable accommodations to meet his or her needs.

To be free from corporal or unusual punishment, infliction of pain, humiliation, intimidation, ridicule, coercion, threat, mental abuse or other actions of a punitive nature including but not limited to: interference with functions of daily living including eating, sleeping or toileting; or withholding of shelter, clothing, medication or aids to physical functioning.

To be informed, and to have his/her parent/guardian informed, by the Academy regarding complaints including, but not limited to, information on confidentiality and the contact information for the Department complaint unit.

To be free to have visits from the spiritual advisor of his/her choice with parental/guardian consent.

Parents Rights are as followed:

To enter and inspect the child care center without advance notice whenever children are in care.

File a complaint against the Academy and review the Academy’s public file kept by the licensing office.

Review, at the Academy, reports of licensing visits & complaints against the Academy made during the last three years.

Complain to the licensing office and inspect the Academy without discrimination or retaliation against you/your child.

Request in writing that a parent not be allowed to visit your child or take your child from the Academy, provided you have a certified copy of court order.

Receive from the Academy the name address and telephone number of the local licensing office.

Be informed by the Academy, the name and association for any adult who has been granted a criminal record exemption, and that the name of the person may also be obtained by contacting the local licensing office.

Receive, from the Academy, the Caregiver Background Check Process form.

1. Late pickup fee will be charged $1 for every minute the child is picked up late.

2. If tuition is not paid by close of the business each Tuesday, a late fee of $10.00 will be charged.

3. A non-refundable annual registration fee of $125.00 is due at the time of enrollment and payable each year by September

4. If I do not give proper notice, I agree to pay any fees or full tuition that may be due for the final two weeks regardless of my child’s attendance.

We are so grateful that you enjoy your experience with us enough to tell a friend. To show our gratitude, if any of your family and/or friends whom you refer to Bizzy-Beez Academy, enrolls into one of our programs, you will receive a $50 credit towards your tuition for the second week that the child starts. Remember, your referral party must disclose to us at the time of admission that they were referred. If the applicant forgets to do so at that time of admission, we are unable to retro the referral. By the way, if your friend enrolls more than one child, you receive a credit for each child enrolled. So please, tell a friend.

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