A Successful Day at Pre School

A successful day at preschool starts at home.

  • Let your child get dressed in clothes meant for exploring, discovering, and playing
  • Allow your child to eat a healthy breakfast to start the day
  • Bring all items that will go in your child’s cubby. Extra clothes LABELED in a zip lock bag, Sunscreen LABELED, a Fitted Crib Sheet
  • Due to severe allergies, absolutely NO PEANUTS, PEANUT BUTTER or PEANUT PRODUCTS are allowed in the Preschool
  • Give your child a kiss and a hug goodbye

Child Cubby

Each child is provided a cubby in their classroom. All belongings can be kept in their cubby, including a change of clothes. All belongings must be enclosed in a large zip lock bag. Food is not permitted to be stored in your child’s cubby. Each child will also have a bin in their cubby. Please check this bin daily for your child’s art work and information for parents.

Rest Time Policy

California State Licensing requires a quiet rest time for a full day program. All children will have a quiet rest time during the early afternoon. The children are not required to sleep, just rest quietly. Please supply a fitted crib sheet and a blanket that can be stored in your child’s cubby during the week and taken home to be washed every Friday.

Toy Policy

Toys from home are not allowed to be brought to school except for the purpose of “Sharing Time” and should be clearly marked with your child’s name. WE DO NOT ALLOW TOYS WITH A VIOLENT THEME (GUNS, SWORDS, SUPER HEROS, ETC.) TO BE BROUGHT TO PRESCHOOL.

Dress Code for Pre Schoolers

We get messy at preschool, so please dress your child accordingly. When choosing your child’s clothes remember these suggestions:

  • Avoid accidents caused by inappropriate clothing; such as long dresses and slip- on sandals. It is required that your child wear shoes that enclose the entire foot.
  • Preschool activities are often hard on clothes. Dress your child in casual clothing that can come home covered in the art or activity of the day.
  • Independence is all part of a child’s development, which includes taking care of their own toileting. Overalls and pants with snaps, zippers, buttons, suspenders, or belts should only be worn if a child is self-sufficient.
  • Children may not wear hats, beanies, or visors inside their classrooms. During warmer weather, they may wear them outside.
  • Costumes may not be worn to school.

We also ask parents to bring an extra set of clothes in a zip lock bag to leave in your child’s classroom in case of extra messy days or potty accidents. PLEASE LABEL ALL YOUR CHILD’S CLOTHES, ESPECIALLY JACKETS.

Lost and Found

Please label all of your child’s belongings. In the event that your child’s belongings are found labeled they will be returned to their classroom. We know that sometimes things just get lost. Ask your child’s teachers where their “Lost & Found” is. Bizzy Beez Academy is not responsible for any lost clothing, toys, or other belongings.

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