Student Code of Conduct
We understand that all behaviors, positive and negative, have a function. Students exhibiting inappropriate behaviors are usually trying to escape something (i.e. an activity such as circle time) or to obtain something (i.e. a toy or attention from a classmate or teacher). It is important to us that we determine the reason for a child’s behavior, so that we can teach an appropriate replacement skill to help the child get his/her desired result.
Our teachers will take the time to speak with students about their feelings that led to the inappropriate behavior. Preschoolers will be encouraged to use their words to express their feelings and solve their problems. Staff will help students verbalize their feelings and facilitate conflict resolution and problem-solving when necessary.
Preschool staff use a variety of age-appropriate, research-based behavior strategies including:
Our teacher’s strive to maintain consistent and open communication with families regarding the progress of their students. You may be notified of minor behavioral incidents in the following ways: email, telephone, written communication or in person. A disciplinary report will be required for more serious incidents. In this case, you may be asked to come in and discuss the incident with your child’s teacher and or the Director. The connection between home and school is very important, and children must understand that we are all communicating and working together.
The following actions toward a student or a staff member will warrant your child being sent home:
* Biting, hitting, kicking, scratching or spitting will not be tolerated under any circumstances. We will be enforcing a 0 Tolerance for the safety and protection of others. First incident, you will receive a call, the second incident your child will be sent home. If this behavior continues then an action plan will be put into place. If the action plan is unsuccessful then temporary dis-enrollment will happen.
* An action that cause an unsafe environment for your child, students and staff such as opening doors, running out of class, etc. Your child will be sent home immediately.
If a child is sent home, that child will have a one day suspension before returning.

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